Aseptic packaging “Made in Germany”

In interviews with journalists, I have repeatedly been asked why Greatview has chosen Germany for the location of its third aseptic packaging facility.
The obvious answer is that Europe is the largest market for aseptic packaging and that we wanted to move closer to our European customers. As to our particular choice – Halle is ideally located in the centre of Europe and offers excellent air and rail connections and motorway access.
But there is more to it: We wanted to take advantage of the quality and technology that “Made in Germany” brings to our products. Production costs are higher than elsewhere, yes, but we did not come to Germany in order to produce cheaply. We are dedicated to the German quality tradition in the face of competition from all over the world. The video of the construction of our facility in Halle is exemplary in demonstrating the German passion for quality and efficiency.
Jeff Bi, CEO of Greatview
Tags: Construction, Facility, Greatview, Halle